A good ranking of search results is crucial to find the instruction you need to answer your question. We have reconfigured our search indexes to enhance the search results and better serve all of our users.
The amount of instructions available for users is growing each day. With all this available knowledge, users can be more self-sufficient if they are able to find the suitable instruction. Based on previous search behavior, several enhancements have been made to improve the search results shown to the user. After this release, the same search query will result return the same results but in a better order.
SelfGuide has several customers who deliver SaaS applications or digital services on their own. They use SelfGuide to instruct end-users about their own solution, often directly from their public website using guest access functionality.
To make this use case easier, the SelfGuide REST API is extended to support an application identity with a guest role. This application identity gives access to the Instruction search endpoint and adds the ability to list all instructions on the website or directly integrate the SelfGuide instruction search on the website.
The REST API is a preview feature, the new application identity role will be available after the release only if the feature is enabled. If you are curious about the REST API feature but do not have access yet, contact gert.kienhuis@selfguide.com.
A few months ago, SelfGuide has been made mobile responsive for users. The mobile responsiveness does make it possible to open and use content on devices with a smaller screen like a mobile or tablet.
The course functionality was excluded from this improvement, till now. With all improvements currently made within the course (see roadmap), using a course on a mobile device could not be left behind.
Opening a course on a device with a smaller screen will automatically change the user interface to keep all functionality working. A small list of changes which have been made:
Note: only the left mouse button action is supported in an Exercise when shown on a mobile device, the user will automatically be informed if the exercise contains other step actions.
This feature is in preview and disabled by default, contact gert.kienhuis@selfguide.com to get access to this new functionality.
All REST API endpoints are enhanced to better validate the incoming data types. Till now, some edge cases could cause, for example, a Boolean to be validated as a String with an unexpected processing as result.
If clients using the REST API adhere to the types as described in the documentation, this change does not have impact.
Icons have been added for the applications below: