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Start creating instructions today and experience the benefits of SelfGuide for your organization.

  • Try out all features free for 30 days

  • Use SelfGuide with your colleagues in your own digital environment

  • Use standard Microsoft 365 instructionals

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Organizations that create instructions with SelfGuide

Read what customers say about us

“Where the process description explains 'what' should be done, SelfGuide explains 'how' it should be done, a great combination! For example, with SelfGuide, Woonbedrijf uses the translation of process descriptions into applications.”

Leon van der Zanden
Information Management Architect

“SelfGuide's strength lies in its simplicity. You can quickly create a short, complete and clear instruction or user guide. We save a lot of time solving user questions and see that employees become more self-reliant.”

Leonardo Lay
Functional Application Manager

“An important goal for us was to create more instructions to improve the digital skills of end users. We can certainly see that we are succeeding in that.”

Mieke Hoogeveen
Automation specialist

“We wanted to make instructions ourselves. The simplicity and speed to create and maintain instructions with SelfGuide is really impressive.”

Mara Kremer
ICT Advisor

“With SelfGuide, we can make public work instructions available to our clients via our website. This allows them to receive support with applications at their own pace. Our clients find this very pleasant.”

Roy van Keulen
ICT Service Coordinator

“With SelfGuide, we have an IT support tool that is actually used by users and administrators. We save time in creation and maintenance, offer better support to users and have a central location.”

Nick Verwaaij
Digital Workplace Trainer & Trainer

“With SelfGuide, we can create application instructions and user guides in just 15% of the time compared to before. In addition, it saves considerable time for both administrators and users in maintaining, searching and sharing instructions.

Nick van Nunen
Process Change Manager

“We use SelfGuide in our organization to support our employees in all kinds of activities. The instructions are set up by our core users and then used by the organization's colleagues to perform new or repetitive tasks according to the process. That is trouble-free.”

Jacob ten Toom
Medewerker IT

“We achieve concrete value by securing and centrally making specialized, technical and functional knowledge of applications available. In practice, you see that a new colleague resolves notifications using instructions in SelfGuide.”

Sander Hilgerink
I&A Team Leader

“For us, instructions in SelfGuide fill exactly the gap between text and video when communicating information about our software. The format of the instructions allows us to bring information closer to our customers.”

Tim van Kester
Technical Writer

“With our I&A department, we need to ensure that our employees have as much knowledge as possible about the software products we use. SelfGuide plays an important role in this.”

Tonny van der Putten
Application Administrator

“Our old user guides were awkward and time-consuming to update. With SelfGuide, we can quickly and easily create step-by-step instructions. This has greatly reduced our customer service and improved the satisfaction of our customers.”

Anne Cimetiere
Customer Success Consultant


Is SelfGuide completely free during the trial period?

Yes, during the trial period (30 days), SelfGuide is completely free and does not charge. We are convinced that you won't want to live without SelfGuide after 30 days.

Do I have to leave payment details for a trial?

No, the trial period is completely free, which is why we don't need any payment details from you. As soon as you convert the trial into a subscription, additional information is required.

What happens after the trial period?

We assume that you are convinced of the added value of SelfGuide for your organization, and in that case, the trial will be converted to a paid subscription and you can continue where you left off. If you are not convinced after the trial, the trial will be terminated and all data will be deleted.

What is the notice period?

If you purchase SelfGuide, you will do so for at least one year. After that, you can cancel monthly.

If I have questions during the trial period, where can I go?

Many answers can be found in the knowledge base, the FAQ and in our public instructions. Is the answer not listed or can't you find the answer? Then use the support form to leave your question and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Experience the convenience of SelfGuide for yourself