Digital learning: the future for organizations

Digital learning: the future for organizations

The evolution of people and technology has strongly influenced the L&D field. This is visible, for example, in the large-scale application of digital learning. Digital learning includes any form of learning that uses technology. More than half of the companies now use digital platforms to develop employees in a uniform way. Learn why facilitating digital learning is a must for forward-thinking organizations.

Forms of digital learning

A distinction is usually made between 6 different forms of digital learning:

  1. E-learning, where participants take a course at a time of their own choosing.
  2. Virtual classrooms, where participants take a course online via applications such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom.
  3. Webinars, where a group of people attend a short, interactive lecture about a specific topic.
  4. Virtual worlds, where someone develops themselves in a simulated and animated world.
  5. Consulting online sources, where someone consults information via search engines, for example.
  6. Performance support, where users are digitally supported in the workplace with relevant information.


Learning preferences of new generations

Employee learning preferences are not universal. Organizations are trying to find an answer to the question: “How do you support employees to constantly get the best out of themselves, in a way that suits them?” New generations feel less and less about classroom training and prefer forms of digital learning. Organizations must facilitate this to decide the 'war on talent' for their own benefit.

Flexible, fast and up to date learning

In digital learning, with the exception of virtual classrooms, an employee decides for himself when he/she is intrinsically motivated to learn about a specific topic. Due to the intrinsic motivation, the employee absorbs information faster and better. The various forms of digital learning are easy to update online, so that the employee is always assured of up-to-date information.

Sharing knowledge with colleagues

Individual employees of an organization have specialist knowledge. It is desirable for the organization that this knowledge is retained and further disseminated within the organization. One-to-one transfer of knowledge is time-consuming. Digital learning offers the solution for organizations. Once specialized knowledge has been processed digitally, it is retained for the organization forever.


Lifelong digital learning

Rapid and frequent (technological) developments mean that “lifelong learning” is necessary. Only through regular refresher training will employees stay motivated and employable. Due to developments and refresher courses, employees have to process much more information than before. Digital learning facilitates this by providing support anytime, anywhere. Looking back on a course, e-learning module or targeted performance support ensures that an employee constantly has the right information and knowledge.

Intuitive digital learning platforms

In the past, organizations quickly described digital learning as too expensive. This was caused by the time it took to create and update e-learning. Today, there are various intuitive platforms, such as Self Guide, with which digital learning can be facilitated cost-efficiently. The intuitive platforms ensure that digital learning content can be created, updated and made centrally available easily and quickly.


Benefits of digital learning

Based on various studies, the following reasons have been identified for the massive use of digital learning:

  • Give employees the opportunity to learn anytime, anywhere.
  • Easier to respond to differences in prior knowledge, level and learning questions.
  • Reduced lead time when training large groups of employees.
  • Direct application of what has been learned in the workplace.
  • Extensive opportunities to make learning more attractive.
  • Course material that remains accessible at all times afterwards.

Facilitating digital learning in your organization

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