Enrich Microsoft Teams with digital user work instructions

Enrich Microsoft Teams with digital user work instructions

During the coronavirus crisis, many organizations accelerated the uptake of Microsoft Teams. The application is Microsoft's digital collaboration platform. Because all users within an organization have Microsoft Teams, it is important how the application can be optimally set up and deployed. One of the unique options within Microsoft Teams is offering end users digital work instructions.

Set up Microsoft Teams with apps

The optimal organization of Microsoft Teams to facilitate successful digital collaboration is a current issue for organizations. One of the options for organizations is to enrich Microsoft Teams with integrated apps. In addition, organizations have the choice between ready-to-use apps, low-code solutions, and professional developer apps. At all times, integrated apps ensure more efficient digital collaboration.

Developing digital skills

Digital work instructions support employees in developing digital skills. Developing digital skills is one of the strategic themes for organizations in the coming years. After all, digital skills are necessary for successful digital transformation, where digital resources are used efficiently. Preferably 68% of employees However, believes that their employer is not investing enough in developing digital skills.

Best practice: digital work instructions in Microsoft Teams

Organizations that have Self Guide can easily integrate digital work instructions into Microsoft Teams. By setting up channels and tabs smartly, end users can quickly find the right digital work instructions. SelfGuide also offers options to combine digital work instructions into manuals or training courses. In Microsoft Teams, it is possible to link specific manuals or training courses to a channel or tab.

How end users experience performance support in Microsoft Teams

Digital work instructions in Microsoft Teams provide end users with performance support. Performance support means that end users receive exactly the right information when they need it to perform their work optimally. End users are extremely enthusiastic about performance support, because this form of workplace support ensures that there is no unnecessary inconvenience during work and that they can develop in the workplace.

Digital work instructions software

SelfGuide, which lets you can integrate digital work instructions into Microsoft Teams, is specialized software for digital work instructions. Organizations use such software to be ready for a digital future. Applications of software for digital work instructions include: user adoption, software implementations, performance support, knowledge assurance, training materials and help desk support.

Want to know more about the digital work instructions in Microsoft Teams?

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