22 March - Revamped home window

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

The home window is important, it is the first screen users experience when getting to know the SelfGuide. We recevied a lot of feedback about the Home window like users getting stuck. We listened, made a new design, implemented the design and now it's released. Read more about the new Home window and other changes below.

New Home window

The Home window should help users to find what they need when entering SelfGuide. In practice, the opposite was the truth as users got stuck and did not know what to do next. More explanation on the window itself, important components well visible and prominent desired actions have made the window more intuitive.

Organization name

Users receiving an hyperlink do not always understand and sometimes even do not trust the opened page when SelfGuide is unknown. The new Home window now contains an organization name, a name familiar to the user, more personal and building trust. Initially, the organization name will be automatically set to the name of the tenant. A user with the Admin role can update the organization name in the settings.  

Sections in a Course module (preview)

To further improve the Course usages, modules are being updated to a new structure. In the new structure, modules contain a title, a description and a list of sections. Sections within a module contain a title, a description and a list of instruction. So basically, a new level of content has been added to give editors more freedom in compiling the course. This new structure is ready to be used in preview and will become available in the upcoming weeks.

Changes in this release:

  • Section order within a module can be updated
  • Sections can be moved to a different module
  • The order of the modules, including the contained sections, can be changed
  • Improved styling of sections titles, instruction list and the navigation pane in the course editor

Curious about the usage of sections? An example course using the new section functionality is available: https://open.selfguide.com/guest?page=/courses/ba4740a6-3074-4ec6-b4fe-63803ae4895b/module/course_preface

Questions about this new feature or do you want to enable the preview for your organization, contact gert.kienhuis@poldervalley.com

Performance list view

Using the list view in the Instruction library has been optimized. The data needed for the optional columns (like created date, last modified date and owner) is available 3 times faster!