21 November - Create Course

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

We started working on Courses, a new type of data within the ProductivityPerformer. The goal of a Course is to give editors the ability to create a coherent set of AWIs in a strict order.  A Course can be used in onboarding processes or for learning purpose to teach a set of AWIs to a user.

Course functionality already implemented will be released and visible for editors, not for users. This sprint we focus on finish the Course functionality (with the current scope) and making it visible and usable for users.

Details about the changes can be found below, all new functionality will be released the coming days.

New crosshair

Based on customer feedback we designed a new crosshair to visualize the mouse action of a step. Some issues of the old crosshair: not visible on a red background, not visible on iPad tiles and text behind the crosshair can’t be read. The new crosshair is slightly bigger, a white circle with a red border and animated. The combination of these changes makes it visible where it was not before. Below two screenshots, the first showing the new crosshair on a red background; the second showing the difference between the old and new crosshair.

Restyle buttons

A uniform styling makes the product smoother, more intuitive and improves development speed. We invested in restyling almost all buttons in the PP to make them consistent.

Course Library

The Course Library is the place to find a Course and create new Courses. The current functionality shows all available Courses, order by alphabet, with a short intro.

Create Course

Editors have the option to create new Courses by using the ‘Create’ button in the Course Library. A modal is shown to give the new Course a name and optional an introduction and outline. The introduction is shown on the Course tile in the Course Library, both are shown in the Course Detail to give users all information they need to use the Course.

Add AWIs to a Course

After creating a Course the editor needs to add AWIs to the Course. All existing AWIs in the AWI Library can be used within a Course .The editor can add AWIs by switching to the edit mode, choose to add an AWI and select the AWI from the dropdown box. After adding AWIs, the editor needs to save the change, after saving the changes the edit mode is closed.