18 April - Custom welcome message for guests

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

Share the purpose of SelfGuide with your guests by adding a custom welcome message for these guests. As the welcome message for guests probably will differ from the message used for colleagues, both message can now be configured separately. Read more about this and other changes below.

Custom welcome message for guests

Guest users are not always aware where they landed when using SelfGuide the first time. By sharing the purpose of SelfGuide with these guest, they know where they are, what content can be found in SelfGuide and what the goal is.  As the purpose might be explained different to a colleague compared to a guest, a specific welcome message for guests can be configured.

Note: the welcome message for guests can only be configured when the Everyone content channel is enabled.

Sections in a Course module (GA)

To further improve the Course usages, modules are being updated to a new structure. In the new structure, modules contain a title, a description and a list of sections. Sections within a module contain a title, a description and a list of instruction. So basically, a new level of content has been added to give editors more freedom in compiling the course.

This new structure has been in preview for a few weeks and is now made global available.

Back matter for instructions

A back matter has been added for instructions to inform users about reaching the end of the Instruction and the need to close the viewer. The back matter makes it more intuitive for users how to continue when reaching the end of the instruction.

Continue course at the end of an Instruction or Exercise

In most situations, a user wants to continue with the next content in a section when reaching the end of an Instruction or Exercise opened from a Course. The back matter for Instructions, as also the result window in case of Exercises, now contains a button to directly open the next content in the Course section. If the open content is the last content of the section, the user will be informed about reaching the end of the section and is directed back to the Course.

Add focus to annotation after adding

To optimize the usage of annotations on Instruction steps, a new annotation gets focus directly after adding the annotation.  


  • Incorrect translations have been updated
  • Removal of instructions and / or exercises did not work as expected when updating a content pack