07 September - Loader and maintenance page

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

Keeping the user informed about what's happening is imported to keep users satisfied. During the last two sprints, we invested time to add a loader when initializing the product as well as a maintenance page when the API is updated. Read more about these improvements and other changes below.

Loader page

After opening SelfGuide, a few things are prepared to start using the product and in the meantime a white screen is shown. A loader page is added to inform the user about the preparation being made.

Maintenance notification

While deploying releases the SelfGuide backend might be in maintenance for a short moment and during normal working hours a recycle is needed sometimes. Both leading to HTTP requests being answered with a 503 error. A corresponding maintenance page is added so the user is aware of this situation. The current maintenance page does cover common scenarios, in the future other scenarios will be covered too.

Public Access (Preview)

Public Access adds the ability to give unknown users without an account the ability to use content in SelfGuide. With this release, the feedback functionality is updated so a guest is also able to supply feedback.

Interested and do you want to know more about this upcoming feature, feel free to contact gert.kienhuis@selfguide.com.

List view for editors (Preview)

With a growing set of content in SelfGuide, editors have a need to keep an overview while creating and maintaining the content. We started adding a list view for editors to the AWI Library as this visualization better fits the need, is more scalable and also adjustable to support personalization. This feature is surely not ready but we are very enthusiastic and want to share the first results (see below).

List view is an upcoming feature, if you are interested and want to know more, feel free to contact gert.kienhuis@selfguide.com.

Minor updated

  • The theme in Windows 11 is changed to a lighter theme compared to Windows 10 and before. The SelfGuide icon shown in the system tray while recording an AWI is updated to improve visibility
  • A restart button is added to the result page of an exercise so a user can directly restart the exercise
  • The 4th of October, the old domain *.productivityperformer.com will stop working. To inform users still using the old domain (for example due to a favorite or a stored link), the automatic redirect is removed and a notification page is added.


  • The login form showed an incorrect error message when the supplied credentials where not valid
  • Using more then one annotation on a step led to unexpected behavior when removing one of these annotations