07 March - Single page course

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

Courses in SelfGuide are used to structure instructions about a certain subject to enable users to learn about the subject. Example subjects can be onboarding a new colleague in the team, give users an heads up about changes in an application due to an migration and align and instruct users about a new or updated application usage. The design of the Course has been updated to align better with the usage. Read more about this and other changes below.

Course single page design

We have a vision for the Course functionality, a structure used to learn about a certain subject based on instructions. Within a Course, several (about 20 to 30) instructions are structured, ordered and extended with context information to enable users to learn about the changes in a short timeframe.

Based on user research and user feedback, a new design has been made that better fulfills this vision. Currently, the new design only changes the way a user interacts with SelfGuide. The Course editor is not changed at this time. A highlight of the improvements:

  • One page for all Course details, from start to finish
  • Less space for the preface, resulting in a more compact layout
  • Module content only visible when needed
  • An outline to keep an overview while using the Course
  • Fewer details when showing a set of Instructions
  • Instructions shown in a list for a better order, flow and intuitive use

The new course design has been in preview for some weeks to gather feedback. Based on the feedback we made the choice to release the new design to all tenants.

Sections in a Course module (preview)

To further improve the Course usages, modules are being updated to a new structure. In the new structure, modules contain a title, a description and a list of sections. Sections within a module contain a title, a description and a list of instruction. So basically, a new level of content is added to give editors more freedom in compiling the course. This new structure is ready to be used in preview and will become available in the upcoming weeks. Questions about this new feature or do you want to enable the preview for your organization, contact gert.kienhuis@selfguide.com


  • Text was shown with an incorrect size in some place
  • Opening SelfGuide with an expired session redirected to the guest login page