07 Februari - Remove step description in Instruction editor

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

As announced in earlier release notes and communicated by e-mail, the step description has been removed from the Instruction editor. The step description has been  deprecated since July 2022 and, with the removal in the Instruction editor, is now fully removed from SelfGuide. Read more details about this and other changes below.

Step description removed in Instruction editor

The step description has been made deprecated in the summer of 2022 as a better option is available. The step description functionality has been removed in steps over the last few months, and simultaneously editors have been stimulated to migrate information to annotations or remove unneeded step descriptions. This combined effort has resulted in reduced usage of the step description, an increased usage of annotations and a more intuitive design for users.

The last place in SelfGuide containing the step description has been updated. Starting from this release, the Instruction editor shows the new step window for all steps and will no longer show a warning in the header. To read more about the step description removal, read this KB article.

Inform user about new account

New users created in SelfGuide need a username and password to sign in and use SelfGuide. To make life easier for administrators, functionality has been added to inform a new user about the new account and the associated username and password. The user will be notified about the new account by e-mail: one e-mail to welcome the user and a second to inform the user about the password. If preferred, the administrator can choose to skip the notification.

When using Azure AD integration, no notification will be sent as a single sign-on process is active and the user authenticates with Microsoft instead of SelfGuide.

Course single page design (preview)

We have a vision for the Course functionality, a structure used to learn about a certain subject based on instructions. For example, to inform users about changes in their daily work when software has been updated, so user adoption will increase. Within a Course, several (about 20 to 30) instructions are structured, ordered and extended with context information to enable users to learn about the changes in a short timeframe.

Based on user research and user feedback, a new design has been made that better fulfills this vision. Currently, the new design only changes the way a user interacts with SelfGuide. The Course editor is not changed at this time. A highlight of the improvements:

  • One page for all Course details, from start to finish
  • Less space for the preface, resulting in a more compact layout
  • Module content only visible when needed
  • An outline to keep an overview while using the Course
  • Fewer details when showing a set of Instructions
  • Instructions shown in a list for a better order, flow and intuitive use

The new course design will replace the current design somewhere in the upcoming releases. Curious to learn more about the new design or want to join the public preview? Contact gert.kienhuis@selfguide.com.

Loader in list view

When opening the list view in the Instruction library, instruction data is shown first, followed by the instruction metadata. To inform the user about work being performed in the background, a loader has been added when data is being fetched.


  • The feedback window did not show any data in certain situations
  • When using subchapters in a User Guide with long chapter titles or a larger number of subchapters, the subchapters visualized above the chapter content were unusable