01 November - Show subchapters in chapter details

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

A user guide consists of one or more chapters in a hierarchy. Chapters in a user guide can contain content like AWIs, textual instructions and images. Users are mostly focusing on chapter details. Therefore, we added the functionality to navigate to subchapers by using the chapter pane.

Show subchapters in chapter pane

Users van navigate to another subchaper by clicking on it in the chapter pane. This functionality adds an option to navigate through user guides. The other option is by using the pane on the left.

Rebranding to SelfGuide

The definitive switch to the new name, SelfGuide, is coming closer. This will take place on the 1st of December. A few steps have been taken as preparation:

  • The new website is live.
  • Customers using the Azure AD integration have been informed that an action is needed.

Some of our customers already switched to SelfGuide. Several changes are made for them:

  • The styling, content and sender of feedback e-mails are changed.
  • The link in new TOPdesk KB items use the SelfGuide URL.