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Legal documents

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

When using SelfGuide, a few legal documents are relevant. These documents together form the agreement between SelfGuide and the organization using SelfGuide. The agreement needs to be settled before SelfGuide can be used. Below the relevant legal documents are listed:

  • SaaS Conditions: a detailed document containing all information about rights, obligations, terms, etc. For the latest version, see
  • Quote: a document created by a sales representative containing the scope, pricing information and other specific conditions. Each quote is unique based on conversations, demo's and interaction with the customer. The agreement is settled after the quote is signed by both parties

For questions about the legal documents or related topics, you can contact SelfGuide using the contact form.