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Training - allowed file extensions

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

A file can be added to a module within a training, for example to add exercises, examples, datasets or answers. Only files with an extension from the list below can be added: 

  1. Generic: zip, pdf, txt, csv
  2. Images: jpeg, jpg, png, gif, webp
  3. Microsoft Word: doc, docx, dot, dotx, docm, dotm
  4. Microsoft Excel: xls, xlt, xlsx, xlsm, xltx, xltm
  5. Microsoft PowerPoint: ppt, pot, pptx, pptm, potx, potm
  6. Microsoft Visio: vsd: vss, vst, vdx, vsx, vtx, vsx, vsdm, vssx, vssm, vstx, vstm
  7. Microsoft OneNote: one
  8. Microsoft Project: mpp, mpt
  9. Microsoft Power BI: pbix