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26 March - Organization branding

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

Add your organization branding to your SelfGuide tenant to make it more own and integrate SelfGuide within your IT environment. This custom branding will help users to trust the solution and value the available content. Read more about this new feature and other changes below.

Organization branding

Users do react strong on what they see, and what a user sees does impact the trust towards the solution before using it. Organization branding functionality has been added so the SelfGuide login window, the Microsoft Entry ID (Azure AD) loading window and the SelfGuide home window can be customized. An admin does have the option to configure images in the SelfGuide settings, these images will be shown when a user opens one of the named windows.

An example usage of the new functionality is towards the Microsoft Entra ID single sign-on experience. To make switching between both environments smooth, use the same login background in SelfGuide and Microsoft Entra ID.

Error handling

Unfortunately, sometimes an error does occur while using SelfGuide. When the error occurred in the frontend, a white screen was shown and the user got stuck. Only a hard refresh (Ctrl+F5) did, not always, solve the solution. We have optimized this situation with two benefits: the user gets a friendly error message and can continue using SelfGuide; we receive relevant telemetry information to get the necessary insights.

Application icons

The icons below are added:

  • X-Guard
  • Royal Brinkman Auxin
  • Royal Brinkman MyScout
  • Royal Brinkman Adviesgenerator
  • TotalLink
  • PinkRoccade CiVision Samenlevingszaken
  • PinkRoccade iParticipatie
  • PinkRoccade iNzicht Sociaal Domein
  • LiquidFiles
  • Aruba

For Microsoft Edge the icon has been updated