26 January - Search on step data

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

Make it easier for users to find the most relevant instruction without the need to do more as an editor. Starting from this release, Instruction step data is used to search for relevant Instructions and also to determine the relevance of all hits. Read more about this and other changes below:

Search on step data

Instruction steps do contain a lot of information, in the titles and annotations. This data is relevant, especially when a user is searching for an Instruction and the search term is not used in the Instruction title or description. Before, the Instruction would not have been shown as a search hit, now it will. To determine the relevance, the Instruction data has a higher priority over the step data.

Remove step (Preview)

Are you sure a step is not needed in an Instruction? With the this new feature you are able to permanently remove such a step from the Instruction.

This feature is available as preview feature. Are you curious or can't you wait to start using this new feature, contact gert.kienhuis@selfguide.com.

Login Hint for Microsoft Login

The integration with the Microsoft Login is improved when working in the SelfGuide Recorder. The e-mail address supplied is given as hint to the Microsoft Login service. This makes single sign-on possible if an active session is available. If not, at least you don't need to reenter your e-mail address.

Accessibility updates

Several changes have been made to the interface to improve the look & feel as also the accessibility:

  • Styling of the active element is updated in the Instruction Editor, Course and User Guide
  • Buttons in the Instruction editor are renamed

Application icons

  • Facility Kwadraat Wish
  • IQ Messenger
  • KidsVision KidsConnect
  • Kiek
  • KiON Ouderportaal
  • MijnKION
  • Van Dinther E-Content 365
  • Vodafone One


  • Updates have been performed to fix vulnerability CVE-2024-21319
  • A YouTube link with a question mark was not accepted in the Course preface
  • Adding, removing and updating an annotation did not update the last modified date of the Instruction