03 January - List view in Add Instruction modal

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

The list view in the instruction library was met with positive feedback, so we added the same interface to the Add Instruction modal. With this new interface, it's easier for editors to find, select and add the required content to a User Guide or Course. Read more about this and other changes below.

List view in Add Instruction modal

Editors working with User Guides and Courses will have the ability to toggle between list view and tile view in the Add Instruction modal, just like in the Instruction library. The list view option has been added to the modal so editors have a better overview of the available instructions and to make it easier to find and add the necessary instructions to the content being worked on.

The list view in the Add Instruction modal contains the same functionality as the list in the Instruction library, like a default set of columns, ability to add optional columns, reorder and resize columns and being able to choose how instructions are sorted. All personal preferences being set in the Add Instruction modal are stored separate from the preferences in the Instruction library as the usage of these two list views is also different.

Additional functionality, compared to the list view in the Instruction library, is the selection behavior. The list view in the Add Instruction modal contains one additional column so one or several instructions can be selected. The checkbox in the header can be used to select or deselect all filtered instructions at once.

Respect display scaling

The SelfGuide Recorder has been updated to support additional recording configurations. Where it was previously required to set display scaling to 100% for a good recording, it is now possible to make a recording with a custom display scaling set. Additionally, custom custom font scaling is now also supported.

Download and install the newest SelfGuide Recorder to be able to use a custom display scale while recording.

Uniform styling checkboxes

Over the lifetime of SelfGuide a variety of different checkbox styles where included in different parts of the interface, some of them with different styles or behaviors. All these checkboxes have been reviewed and replaced by a single checkbox implementation to increase uniformity and improve accessibility.

Application icons

The application icon(s) below have been added:

  • Cegeka DMS


  • It was not possible to just remove a tag or application from an instruction
  • When quickly navigating between the instruction library and other libraries, SelfGuide stated no instructions where available