05 October - Use step action in the viewer

This article is from before the rebranding to SelfGuide. Text and images can include the old product name ProductivityPerformer or its abbreviation PP.

When a users looks at a step in the Instruction viewer, the interpretation should be 'I need to perform a left mouse click on the button where the crosshair is shown'. This action needs to be performed in the actual application as SelfGuide is only showing an instruction. In practice users also try to perform this action in the Instruction viewer as told by the Instruction. Too make life easier, performing the action in the viewer will open the next step. Read more about this change and other changes below.

Use step action in the viewer

Each step in an Instruction informs the user about the next required action which needs to be performed in the application as shown in the Instruction. After performing the required action, the user should continue to the next step using the right arrow in the viewer or the right arrow button. In practice, users also try to perform the action shown by the step directly in the Instruction viewer. For example by pressing the left mouse button in the crosshair or performing an ENTER when shown by a step.

We have added this functionality to the Instruction viewer. When the action shown on the step is performed in the Instruction viewer, the next step of the Instruction will be opened. This functionality works for mouse actions as also for keyboard action.

New Search & Filter implementation (preview)

A new search & filter implementation has been developed during the last months, bringing a way more sophisticated search & filter to SelfGuide. For a demonstration and more information about this feature, see the what's new webinar.

In this release, below changes have been made:

  • The list view loading is improved by fetching all data at once
  • Using a custom sort in the list view does not reload the list view several times
  • A AND filter is used when more then one filter is used
  • The search relevance is the default sort in the list view, showing the instructions in the same order as in the tile view
  • The total instruction count in the footer now shows the total hit count, also when higher as 1000
  • The search index is updated directly when an instruction is changed and the shown results are updated to reflect the change. This works for all kind of changes like updating instruction properties, deleting an instruction, changing content channel assignments, etc.

This feature is in preview, meaning the feature can be used but is still under development. Although there might be some open ends, the feature is already very usable and offers added value. Are you curious or can't you wait to start using this new feature, contact gert.kienhuis@selfguide.com.

Fix WebP vulnerability

Recently, a vulnerability has been discovered in the WebP standard which is developed and maintained by Google. SelfGuide uses lot of WebP images in so we have updated libraries and code where necessary. For more information about the vulnerability and our actions, see the status page.

Please install the SelfGuide Recorder by downloading the newest version from the webpage https://www.selfguide.com/downloads


  • The styling of the modal informing about an outdated recorder version was not good enough and led to questions